The best books I read this summer

I used to be an incredibly voracious reader. At any given point in my childhood, I would be reading 5 or 6 books simultaneously, and you could be sure I would finish all of them in under a week. When Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince came out, I read the whole thing in less than two days, beating even my school’s librarian. I even remember one year when we did a reading fundraiser where we asked friends and family to pledge a certain amount per book that I read, and every person I asked opted to donate a flat fee instead.

However, my obsession with reading has faltered somewhat during university, in part due to the fact that I read so many textbooks. When I finish my weekly readings for a course, the last thing I want to do is read more books. I went 2 or 3 years doing almost no reading aside from what I needed to for school, and although it made me sad I simply didn’t have the time or resources.

This summer, I’ve had considerably more time to read. I have a job in a college library, so when I’m not busy, reading books is totally acceptable. I’m also not taking any courses, which frees up a lot of time that I would have otherwise spent studying. This year, I pledged on Goodreads to read 25 books by the end of 2017, and so far I’m at 16, which is pretty good compared to my previous track record (last year I read 16 books in the whole year). Of those sixteen books, I wanted to share a few of the best ones that I’ve read so far. (warning: very mild spoilers may follow)


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